Education and Training

Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, M.D. 1975

Resident in General Surgery, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York 1976 – 1981

Transplantation Fellowship SUNY at Stony Brook, New York 1981- 1982

American Board of Surgery Certification #037547, December 3, 1982.

American Board of Surgery Recertified October 1998

Licensed in Maryland

University of Arizona College of Law JD May 1999

Hospital and Academic Appointments

Attending Surgeon General Surgery and Transplantation Washington Hospital Center Washington DC 1992- 1996

Assistant Clinical Professor Department of Surgery George Washington University Washington DC 1992- present

Senior staff surgeon Henry Ford Hospital Detroit MI 1991-1992

Medical director transplantation services Sierra Medical center El Paso Texas 1989-1991

Clinical Associate Professor in Surgery, Attending Surgeon in Transplantation and General Surgery Department of Surgery, SUNY at Stony Brook, , New York 11794 1982-1989

Membership In Professional Societies

The Transplantation Society

American Society of Transplant Surgeons

European Society for Organ Transplantation

Fellow, American College of Surgeons


Assistant Editor, Transplantation Proceedings

President, New York Transplantation Society, 1988-1989.

Representative of the State of New York to the Organ Procurement and Distribution Committee of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS )

Board of Directors New York Regional Transplant Program (NYRTP)

Military Service

On 6 October 1973 the Syrian 7th Infantry Division attacked the Israeli 7th Armored Brigade in the Golan Heights. The Syrians launched simultaneous attacks in the north and the south and the Syrians attacked the two Israeli brigades and eleven supporting artillery batteries with five divisions (the 7th, 9th and 5th, with the 1st and 3rd in reserve) and 188 batteries. They began their attack with an airstrike by about 100 aircraft and a 50-minute artillery barrage. When the battle began, approximately 400 of those tanks were T-62s, the most modern Soviet-bloc tank at the time,. The Syrian plan called for its 5th, 7th and 9th mechanized infantry divisions, in BTR-50 armored personnel carriers (APCs) supported by 900 tanks, to breach the Israeli lines, opening the way for the 1st and 3rd armored divisions to move in with their 500 tanks to capture the entire Golan Heights before Israel had a chance to mobilize. The Syrian plan called for its 5th, 7th and 9th mechanized infantry divisions, in BTR-50 armored personnel carriers (APCs) supported by 900 tanks, to breach the Israeli lines, opening the way for the 1st and 3rd armored divisions to move in with their 500 tanks to capture the entire Golan Heights before Israel had a chance to mobilize.
The Syrians started the offensive and mine-clearing tanks and bridge-layers led the way to overcome the Israeli obstacles. The Syrians gained much ground at the start, but failed to move tanks across the anti-tank ditch. They penetrated the Israeli defenses at night with the help of night vision equipment—equipment that the Israelis lacked. Initially, Israel was able to deploy only 176 tanks:. The next day, the Syrians mounted a second attack, and at one point in the engagement less than forty Israeli tanks were facing approximately 500 Syrian tanks and the Barak Brigade had only 15 serviceable tanks.
. Every Israeli tank deployed on the Golan Heights was engaged during the initial attacks.
Reservists were alerted and began to arrive at the scene and were sent to the front as soon as they arrived at army depots, without waiting for the crews they trained with to arrive, machine guns to be installed on the tanks, or taking the time to calibrate the tank guns (a time-consuming process known as bore-sighting). The Syrians had expected it to take at least 24 hours for Israeli reserves to reach the front lines; in fact, reserve units began reaching the battle lines only 15 hours after the war began. Israeli reserve forces approaching the Golan Heights were subjected to Syrian artillery fire directed from Mount Hermon.
On the second and third day, Syrian forces suffered heavy losses as Israeli tanks and infantry fought desperately to buy time for all the reserve forces to reach the front lines, and conducted stopgap blocking actions whenever the Syrians were on the verge of breaking through. However, the Syrians pressed the attack in spite of their losses, and the vastly outnumbered defenders lost numerous tanks. By the afternoon of October 9, the 7th Brigade was down to six tanks protecting what was for all intents and purposes a clear path into Israel’s north.
On the fourth day, the 7th Brigade received a small reinforcement force when it less than a dozen operating tanks and almost out of ammunition. The Syrians, exhausted from three days of continuous fighting and unaware of how close to victory they actually were, turned in retreat. Hundreds of destroyed tanks and APCs littering the valley below the Israeli ramparts were testimony to the horrible destruction that had taken place there. Within 5 days, the Syrians had lost almost 1,000 tanks. The Syrians retreated for reasons that are still debated.


Book Chapters

David Anaise: Pharmacologic Agents in Organ Preservation

In: “Procurement and Preservation of Vascularized Organs”

G. M . Collins Editor Klwer Academic Publisher 1996

David Anaise: Salvage of Organs from Non Heart-Beating Cadaver Donors In:

“Procuring Organs for Transplant”

R. M Arnold MD editor John Hopkins University Press 1996

David Anaise , Mark Yland : Perfusion and Storage Techniques

In :” Basic Concepts of Organ Procurement “

L Toledo Peryera MD Editor RG Landes Co 1996

David Anaise Denial of care in organ transplantation

In ” Bioethics and Law”

Michael H Shapiro and Roy G. Spece Jr. editors West publication in press


106 articles published in peer reviewed journals


1. Ben-Hur, N., Golan, Y. and Anaise, D. Reimplantation of four amputated fingers using microsurgical technique. Harefua, D:81, 1976.

2. Eldad, A., Stark, M. and Anaise, D. Amniotic membranes as a biological dressing in the treatment of burns. S. African Med. J., 51:272, 1977.

3. Anaise, D., Steinitz, R. and Ben-Hur, N. Solar radiation as a possible etiologic factor in malignant melanoma. Cancer, 42:299, 1978.

4. Anaise, D. and Hines, G. L. Limb salvage by use of an extra-anatomical bypass. Med. J. Nassau Hosp., 3:5, 1981.

5. Golan, J., Anaise, D. and Eylath, U. Treatment of cutaneous malignant melanoma in Israel, 1960-1970. Ann. Plastic Surg., 8:397, 1982.

6. Anaise, D., Atkins, H. and Oster, A. Non-invasive radionucleide scintiphotography technique for the assessment of preserved renal allograft viability. J. Nucl. Med., 24:15, 1983.

7. Anaise, D., Atkins, H., Asari, H., Oster, Z., Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. Pretransplant assessment of preserved renal allograft viability by radionuclide scintiphotography. Fed. Proc., 42:1088, 1983.

8. Asari, H., Anaise, D., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. Protective effects of a calmodulin inhibitor in canine kidney preservation. Fed. Proc., 42:1088, 1983.

9. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Anaise, D., Raisbeck, A.P., Asari, H. and Rapaport, F.T. Parameters of immunological reactivity in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) awaiting transplantation. Fed. Proc., 42:941, 1983.

10. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Asari, H. and Rapaport, F.T. Management of urological transplant complications by utilization of the host ureter. Transpl. Proc., 15:2152, 1983.

11. Asari, H., Anaise, D., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness of trifluoperazine in canine kidney preservation. Transp. Proc., 16:184, 1984.

12. Anaise, D., Brandt, D. and Smith, N. Pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of gastric diverticulum. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 30:28, 1984.

13. Anaise, D., Atkins, H., Asari, H., Oster, Z., Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. A non-invasive approach to the assessment of organ viability after kidney preservation in dogs. Transpl. Proc., 16:164, 1984.

14. Asari, H., Anaise, D., Bachvaroff, R.J., Sato, T. and Rapaport, F.T. Preservation techniques for organ transplantation. I. Protective effects of calmodulin inhibitors in cold-preserved kidneys. Transpl., 37:113, 1984.

15. Anaise, D., Asari, H., Sato, K., Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Oster, Z., Atkins, H. and Rapaport, F.T. The beneficial effect of trifluoperazine (TFP) on the microcirculation and subsequent function of the cold preserved kidney. Transpl. Proc., 16:1333, 1984.

16. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Natural killer activity after renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 16:1527, 1984.

17. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Lymphocyte subpopulations in renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 16:1554, 1984.

18. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Shen, L., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Human Natural Killer (NK) cell activity in kidney allograft recipients. Fed. Proc., 43:663, 1984.

19. Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., Anaise, D., Sato, K. and Rapaport, F.T. Restoration of urinary tract continuity after necrosis of the pelvis and ureter in a transplanted kidney – the boari flap. Transpl. Proc., 16:1367, 1984.

20. Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C., Sato, K., Frischer, Z. and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness of the Dennis tube for in situ cold perfusion of cadaver donor kidneys. Transpl. Proc., 16:1661, 1984.

21. Anaise, D., Cottrell, T., Ellis, P., Waltzer, W. and Rapaport, F.T. Biliary stenosis secondary to pancreatitis – an unusual cause of obstructive jaundice in a renal transplant recipient. Transpl. Proc., 16:1669, 1984.

22. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Abstracts of the IXth Intl. Congress of Nephrology, Los Angeles, California, June 11-16, 1984, p. 305A.

23. Shen, L., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. The value of monitoring T-lymphocyte subpopulations after kidney transplantation. Fed. Proc., 43:609, 1984.

24. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Frischer, Z. and Rapaport, F.T. Renal transplantation and Boeck’s sarcoidosis. Transpl. Proc., 16:1359, 1984.

25. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Arbeit, L., Weinstein, S. and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness of Captopril in the management of hypertension after renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 16:1372, 1984.

26. Anaise, D., Sato, K., Atkins, H., Oster, Z., Asari, H., Waltzer, W.C., Pollack, W., Bachvaroff, R.J. and Rapaport, F.T. Scintigraphic evaluation of the viability of cold preserved kidneys prior to transplantation. J. Nuclear Med., 25:1304, 1984.

27. Anaise, D., Bachvaroff, R.J., Sato, K., Waltzer, W.C., Asari, H., Pollack, W., Oster, Z., Atkins, H. and Rapaport, F.T. Enhanced resistance to the effects of hypothermic ischemia in the preserved canine kidney. Transpl., 38:570, 1984.

28. Anaise, D., Sato, K., Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Oster, Z., Atkins, H., Pollack, W. and Rapaport, F.T. A membrane stabilization approach to long-term renal preservation. Transpl. Proc., 17:1457, 1984.

29. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Human natural killer (NK) cell activity following renal transplantation. Abstracts of the 80th Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, May 12-16, 1985. p. 232A.

30. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Monitoring of T-cell subpopulations following renal transplantation. Abstracts of the 80th Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, May 12-16, 1985. p. 232A.

31. Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., Anaise, D., Sato, K. and Rapaport, F.T. Management of bladder neck contracture at the time of renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 17:2009, 1985.

32. Waltzer, W.C., Bachvaroff, R.J., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Immunological consequence of renal transplantation and immunosuppression. I. Alterations in human natural killer cell activity. J. Clin. Immunol., 5:78, 1985.

33. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Gonda, A.C., Sato, K. and Rapaport, F.T. Use of self-retained coiled silicone stent for management of recurrent transplant ureteral stricture. Transpl. Proc., 17:2016, 1985.

34. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Sato, K., Atkins, H., Oster, Z., Cavallaro, D., Miller, F. and Rapaport, F.T. Acute lymphedema in a renal allograft – an unusual cause of early post-operative transplant dysfunction. Transpl. Proc., 17:1755, 1985.

35. Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Arbeit, L. A., Miller, F., Weinstein, S.W., and Rapaport, F.T. Allograft rejection and the nephrotic syndrome. Transpl. Proc., 17:1763, 1985.

36. Atkins, H. L., Oster, Z. H., Anaise, D., Weis, S., Waltzer, W.C., Gonda, A., Cooch, E., and Rapaport, F.T. Cortical perfusion index – a predictor of acute rejection in transplanted kidneys. J. Nucl. Med., 26:132, 1985.

37. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D., Lehr, H.A., and Rapaport, F.T. A comparison of the effects of cyclosporine and azathioprine on human natural killer (NK) activity in renal allograft recipients. Transpl. Proc., 17:2719, 1985.

38. Lehr, H., Jao, S., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F. T. Cytomegalovirus-induced diabetes mellitus in a renal allograft recipient. Transpl. Proc., 17:2152, 1985.

39. Waltzer, W.C., Gonda, A., Lehr, H., Anaise, D., Frischer, Z. and Rapaport, F.T. Management of transplant ureteropelvic junction obstruction by dismembered pyeloplasty. Transpl. Proc., 17:2149, 1985.

40. Arnold, A.N., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Weinstein, S. W., and Rapaport, F.T. Effect of renal allograft dysfunction upon cyclosporine trough levels in host blood. Transpl., 40:605, 1985.

41. Lehr, H.A., Baim, R.S., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Comparative efficacy of ultrasound and core needle biopsy techniques for the differential diagnosis of acute renal allograft rejection crises. Transpl. Proc., 18:1057, 1986.

42. Anaise, D., Atkins, H., Oster, Z., Weis, S., Gonda, A., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Use of renal cortex perfusion indices for the diagnosis of acute allograft rejection crises. Transpl. Proc. 18:1048, 1986.

43. Lehr, H.A., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Management of a post-biopsy arterial pseudoaneurysm in a transplanted kidney: utilization of epsilon aminocaproic acid and controlled hypotension. Transpl. Proc., 18:976, 1986.

44. Kimmelstiel, F., Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A.N., and Rapaport, F.T. Radionuclide scans and needle biopsies in the diagnosis and treatment of renal allograft pyelonephritis and rejection developing during post-operative acute tubular necrosis. Transpl. Proc., 18:963, 1986.

45. Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Metabolic requirements for successful extended hypothermic kidney preservation. J. Urol., 136:345, 1986.

46. Anaise, D., Oster, Z.H., Atkins, H.L., Arnold, A.N., Weis, S., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Cortex perfusion index – a sensitive detector of acute rejection crisis in transplanted kidneys. J. Nuclear Med., 27:1697, 1986.

47. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. A comparison of immune profiles in Cyclosporine- and Azathioprine- treated renal allograft recipients. Transpl. Proc. 18:1332, 1986.

48. Prives, J., Anaise, D., Lane, B. and Rapaport, F.T. Adverse effects of angiotensin and calmodulin on the vascular smooth muscle of the cold preserved kidney. The Physiologist, 29:116, 1986.

49. Anaise, D., Ramsammy, L, Lane, B. and Rapaport, F.T. Do calcium inhibitors prevent free radicals’ release during prolonged hypothermic renal ischemia? The Physiologist, 29:161, 1986.

50. Greif, F., Anaise, D., Arbeit, L., Frei, L., and Soroff, H.S. Inhibition of the calcium cascade in renal ischemia. The Physiologist, 29:116, 1986.

51. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Contrasting results of immunological monitoring in cyclosporine and azathioprine treated renal allograft recipients. Transpl. Proc., 18:970, 1986.

52. Sato, K., Asari, H., Masaki, Y., Nakayama, Y., Yokota, K. Uchida, H., Aso, K., Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. Successful 72, 96 and 120 hour preservation of the canine kidney by using simple surface cooling with Trifluoperazine (TFP), high dose Urokinase, Verapamil and modified Collins’ solution. Low Temp. Med., 12:14, 1986.

53. Greif, F., Anaise, D., Frei, L., Arbeit, L., and Soroff, H. Role of calcium antagonists in averting acute tubular necrosis after prolonged renal ischemia. Surgical Forum, 37:64, 1986.

54. Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Immunologic and clinical evaluation of renal allograft dysfunction by percutaneous core biopsy. Abstracts of the 82nd Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, California, May 17-21, 1987. p. 245A.

55. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Impact of cytomegalovirus infection and HLA matching on rejection following renal transplantation. Abstracts of the 82nd Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, California, May 17-21, 1987. p. 324A.

56. Anaise, D., Lane, B., Waltzer, W.C., Rapaport, F.T. The protective effect of calcium inhibitors and of captopril on the renal microcirculation during reperfusion. Transpl., 43:128, 1987.

57. Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A., and Rapaport, F.T. Adverse effects of Cyclosporin A on the microcirculation of the cold preserved kidney. N.Y.S J. Med., 87:141, 1987.

58. Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Arnold, A., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Immunohistologic analysis of human renal allograft dysfunction. Transpl., 43:100, 1987.

59. Anaise, D., Lehr, H., Atkins, H., Oster, Z., Arnold, A., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Preservation of the cortical renal microcirculation – a prerequisite for immediate renal allograft function. Transpl. Proc., 19:2039, 1987.

60. Pullis, C.K., Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D.A., and Rapaport, F.T. Differential effects of cyclosporine and azathioprine on host cell populations in renal allograft recipients. Transpl. Proc., 19:1596, 1987.

61. Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Identification of mononuclear cell populations infiltrating human renal allografts. Transpl. Proc., 19:1629, 1987.

62. Anaise, D., Ramsammy, L., Lane, B., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. The Pathophysiology of the no-reflow phenomenon in cold stored kidneys. Transpl. Proc., 19:1348, 1987.

63. Sato, K., Asari, H., Masaki, Y., Uchida, H., Aso, K., Yoda, Y., Ishii, K., Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness of radionuclide scintiphotography to evaluate preserved kidney viability. Transpl. Proc., 19:2043, 1987.

64. Asari, H., Sato, K., Sonoda, K., Uchida, H., Ishihara, A., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Protective effects of calmodulin inhibitor in canine kidney preservation. Transpl. Proc., 19:1363, 1987.

65. Arnold, A., Anaise, D., Miller, F., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. Prevention of chronic rejection by cyclosporine and prednisone. Transpl. Proc., 19:2122, 1987.

66. Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Arnold, A.N., Jao, S., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Value of percutaneous core needle biopsy in the differential diagnosis of renal transplant dysfunction. J. Urology, 137:1117, 1987.

67. Anaise, D., Yland, M.J., Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., and Rapaport, F.T. A new perfusion tube for multiple organ procurement. Transpl. Proc., 19:4129, 1987.

68. Anaise, D., Yland, M.J., Atkins, H.L., Oster, Z.H., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Additive effects of cyclosporine and cold preservation upon the integrity of the renal cortical microcirculation. Transpl. Proc., 19:3606, 1987.

69. Atkins, H.L., Anaise, D., Oster, Z.H., Yland, M.J., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. The evaluation of cold-storage and immunosuppression of renal allografts by using the cortical perfusion index. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:731, 1987.

70. Kubota, K., Atkins, H.L., Anaise, D., Oster, Z.H., and Pollack, W. Quantitative evaluation of renal excretion on the dynamic DTPA renal scan. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:733, 1987.

71. Waltzer, W.C., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D., Hurley, S., Raisbeck, A., Egelandsdsdal, B., Pullis, C. and Rapaport, F.T. Impact of cytomegalovirus infection and HLA-matching on outcome of renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 19:4077, 1987.

72. Oster, Z.H., Bazin, J.P., Raynaud, C., Anaise, D., Di Paola, M., Di Paola, R., Rapaport, F.T., and Atkins, H.L. Renal transplant (RT) evaluation with Tc-99m DTPA (DTPA) – The role of factorial analysis. J. Nuclear Medicine, 28:680, 1987.

73. Waltzer, W.C., Shabtai, M., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness and limitations of Doppler ultrasonography in the evaluation of post-operative renal allograft dysfunction. Abstracts of the 83rd Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, June 3-7, 1988. p. 232A.

74. Waltzer, W.C., Shabtai, M., Frischer, Z., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Early aggressive management for the prevention of renal allograft loss and patient mortality following major urological complications. Abstracts of the 83rd Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, June 3-7, 1988. p. 418A.

75. Kimmelstiel, F., Anaise, D., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Continuous post-operative peritoneal lavage for the management of intra-abdominal sepsis in renal allograft recipients. Transpl. Proc., 20:101, 1988.

76. Shabtai, M., Luft, B., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Massive cytomegalovirus pneumonia and myocarditis in a renal transplant recipient – successful treatment with DHPG. Transpl. Proc., 20:562, 1988.

77. Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Arnold, A.N., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Immunological analysis of cellular infiltrates during human renal allograft dysfunction. Transpl. Proc., 20:111, 1988.

78. Anaise, D., Yland, M.J., Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., Hurley, S., Eychmueller, S., and Rapaport, F.T. Flush pressure requirements for optimal cadaveric donor kidney preservation. Transpl. Proc., 20:891, 1988.

79. Yland, M.J., Anaise, D., Kimmelstiel, F., Eychmueller, S., Romano, E., Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., and Rapaport, F.T. The usefulness of initial brief pulsatile perfusion (BPP) in extending the applicability of cold storage for renal transplantation – a preliminary report. Transpl. Proc., 20:875, 1988.

80. Marks, L.A., Anaise, D., and Yland, M.J. Renal admittance plethysmosgraphy. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, March 10-11, 1988.

81. Shabtai, M., Waltzer, W.C., Miller, F., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Specificity of immune complex/complement deposits in the mediation of immunologic injury to renal allografts. Transpl. Proc., 21:278, 1989.

82. Waltzer, W.C., Shabtai, M., Anaise, D., and Rapaport, F.T. Usefulness and limitations of Doppler ultrasonography in the evaluation of post-operative renal allograft dysfunction. Transpl. Proc., 21:1901, 1989.

83. Shabtai, M., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Miller, F., and Rapaport, F.T. Implication of IgA and complement in the alterations in renal blood flow associated with allograft rejection. Transpl. Proc., 21:352, 1989.

84. Shabtai, M., Anaise, D., Miller, F., Oster, Z.H., Atkins, H., Waltzer, W.C., Yland, M.J., and Rapaport, F.T. The predictive value of renal cortical perfusion indices during acute allograft rejection crises. Transpl. Proc., 21:1899, 1989.

85. Anaise, D., Yland, M.J., Ishimaru, M., Shabtai, M., Hurley, S., Waltzer, W.C., and Rapaport, F.T. Organ procurement from non heart-beating cadaver donors. Transpl. Proc., 21:1211, 1989.

86. Shabtai, M., Anaise, D., Frei, L., Waltzer, W.C., Frischer, Z., Jao, S., Miller, F., and Rapaport, F.T. Malakoplakia in renal transplantation – an expression of altered tissue reactivity under immunosuppression. Transpl. Proc., 1989, Aug;21(4):3725-7

87. Shabtai, M., Miller, F., Lane, B., Waltzer, W.C., Anaise, D., Arbeit, L., and Rapaport, F.T. Nephrotic syndrome following renal transplantation. Transpl. Proc., 1989, Aug;21(4):3733-7

88. Shabtai, M., Waltzer, W.C., Shabtai, E., Anaise, D., Miller, F. and Rapaport, F.T. Multivariate and Boolean factor analysis of immune complex/complement deposits and their effect on renal blood flow during allograft rejection. Abstracts of the 84th Annual Convention of the American Urological Association, Dallas, Texas, May 7-11, 1989.

89. Waltzer, W.C., Pullis, C., Shabtai, M., Khoo, N., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells in acute renal allograft recipients. The FASEB J., 3:A1235, 1989.

90. Shabtai, M., Pullis, C., Waltzer, W.C., Khoo, N., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. T-cell activation markers in acute renal allograft rejection. The FASEB J., 3:A1235, 1989.

91. Anaise, D., Madariaga, J., Gonda, A., Ishimaru, M., Anderson, E., Shabtai, M., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. Protective effects of a calmodulin inhibitor on the microcirculation of cold stored livers. The FASEB J., 3:A600, 1989.

92. Anaise, D., Ishimaru, M., Madariaga, , A., Irisawa, A Lane, B., ., Sonoda, K.,Zeidan B, Shabtai M, and Rapaport, F.T. Protective effects of trifluoperazine on the microcirculation of cold stored livers. Transpl., vol 50 ,6, 933 1990

93. Anaise, D., Smith, Fr. R., Ishimaru, M., Waltzer, W.C., Shabtai, M., Hurley, S. and Rapaport, F.T. An approach to organ salvage from non-heartbeating cadaver donors under existing legal and ethical requirements for transplantation. – Transplantation 1990 Feb;49(2):290-4

94. Waltzer, W.C., Smith, Fr. R., Anaise, D. and Rapaport, F.T. Equity in organ distribution: A plea for a return to reality. Transl. Proc., .Transplant Proc 1989 Jun;21(3):3388-9; discussion 3413-8

95. Anaise, D., Shabtai, E., Shabtai, M., Ishimaru, M., Irisawa, A., Bowmann ,B A., Waltzer, W.C. and Rapaport, F.T. Objective numerical criteria for measurement of the severity of delayed graft function produced by different organ procurement and preservation techniques in renal transplantation.- Transplant Proc 1990 Apr;22(2):392-3

96 Shabtai M Walter WC Frischer Z Khoo NT Anaise D Rapaport FT

TI – Rectus muscle flap for repair of refractory bladder fistula following renal transplantation: a case report – J Urol 1990 Feb;143(2):354-5

97 Shabtai M – Waltzer WC – Shabtai E – Anaise D – Frischer Z – Miller F – Rapaport FT – Multivariate and Boolean factor analysis of immune complex/complement deposits and their effects on renal blood flow during allograft rejection. – J Urol 1990 Feb;143(2):237-8

98 Rapaport FT – Anaise D – Organ donation–1990. – Transplant Proc 1991 Feb;23(1 Pt 2):899-900

99 Shabtai M – Anaise D – Shabtai E – Raisbeck AP – Malinowski K – Oster Z – Atkins H – Waltzer WC – Rapaport FT Renal blood flow in the immediate posttransplant period as an index of the efficacy of organ procurement and preservation. Transplant Proc 1990 Oct;22(5):2366-8

100 Rapaport FT Waltzer WC – Anaise D – How can one balance duty to all cultures and ethnic groups with effective procurement Transplant Proc 1990 Jun;22(3):1007-9

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U.S. Patent #4,723,939. Apparatus & Methods for Multiple organ procurement

U.S. Patent #309,288 Method for hypothermic organ protection during organ procurement from non – heart beating cadaver donors.

U.S Patent # 576,058 Hemostatic Organ Preservation System

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